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Cucurbita pepo


Male flowers on a pumpkin plant. The flowers have a distinct flower cup (Hypanthium), the cup-up is bell-shaped and is formed from the floral axis and / or from the fused basalt parts of calyx and corolla. The flowers are usually pentamerous. The two circles of double perianth usually consist of five, rarely between three and six petals. The sepals are fused. The petals are free or connate, usually radial symmetry and form a wheeled or bell-shaped crown.


The plants in this family are grown around the tropics and in temperate areas, where those with edible fruits were among the earliest cultivated plants both in the Old and New World.

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Stefanie da Cunha
Spotted by
Stefanie da Cunha

Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Spotted on Aug 28, 2014
Submitted on Nov 14, 2014

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