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Tiger moth 角蝶燈蛾

Nyctemera carissima


Was 'Nyctemera mulleri 多斑蝶燈蛾'


Mark Ridgway
Mark Ridgway 7 years ago

Thanks Roger. Updating record.

bayucca 7 years ago

Hey, Roger! Thanks for your assistance, I did not even noticed your are also here. Welcome! I am very happy to have an expert amongst us!

DanielePralong 7 years ago

@Roger Kendrick, many thanks for bringing your expertise to Project Noah!
@Yeung PK, please kindly update your spotting accordingly. Thank you for all your contributions!

Roger Kendrick
Roger Kendrick 7 years ago

N. carissima and N. muelleri are superficially similar in pattern. However, males of N. carissima have a distinct lobe on the inner margin of the hindwing that contains scent scales that is not present in N. muelleri.

So far only N. carissima, of these two species, has been recorded in Hong Kong.
In my Ph.D. thesis on 2002, the species N. carissima was misidentified (and mis-spelt) as N. mulleri (sic.)

Roger Kendrick
Roger Kendrick 7 years ago

one must be careful with spellings of patronyms when "non standard" characters (in this case the "u" with an umlaut) are involved.

Yeung PK
Spotted by
Yeung PK

HK, Paracel Islands

Spotted on May 28, 2017
Submitted on Jun 4, 2017

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