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Porcupine quill

Hystrix sp.



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galewhale..Gale 12 years ago

Thanks Goody Please note this is not a marine mammal. Thanks

Aaron_G 12 years ago

Hi there. Whenever you spot something that's FROM an animal (such as feces, tracks, a web, a nest, etc.), it can go in the category for that animal. I've gone ahead and have moved this to Mammals for you. Also, since this is a porcupine quill, it does not belong in the Marine Mammals of the World mission. Please consider the "Signs of Wildlife" mission for this type of spotting:

oxyjack 12 years ago

Looks like a porcupine quill.

Spotted by

NYC, New York, USA

Spotted on May 7, 2012
Submitted on May 7, 2012

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