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Hickory Tree

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JimJohnson2 7 years ago

Thank you MrsPbio!

MrsPbio 7 years ago

There are most definitely pawpaws in PA, at least southern PA, where I'm from most recently. But this is NOT a pawpaw. (BTW.... pawpaw leaves, when torn, smell like green peppers! lol ) I'm going with a hickory. Which are a royal pain in the neck to ID from photos. :)

JimJohnson2 7 years ago

Thanks, ForestDragon! I hadn't thought of Hickory! I'll have to take another look with a tree ID book in hand.

ForestDragon 7 years ago

Perhaps a Hickory of some type?

JimJohnson2 7 years ago

Hi Sarah Whitt! Thanks!

Pickin' up Paw Paws and puttin' 'em in my pocket? PA is pretty far north for Paw Paws. I could be wrong on that...I was thinking maybe Chestnut or Butternut but I'm not at all sure. Thanks for your help!

SarahWhitt 7 years ago

A Paw Paw tree?

Spotted by

Pennsylvania, USA

Spotted on Jun 13, 2017
Submitted on Jun 13, 2017

Spotted for Mission

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