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Unknown Spotting ( Four Snails )


Four Snails: I went outside early in the morning, and I saw three snails, resting on a wall, on the outside of my house. I also saw one other snail, resting on the outside of my front door. All four snails, was of the same species, and of the same size. Small. The color of these snails, was different shades of brown. The top whorls on some of these snails, was a darker color. All of these snails, had five or six whorls, on there shells. The pointed end of the whorls, was called the "apex". Each snail, had three or four tan lines, going around its shell. Each tan line, was of a different width. The two upper tentacles, was of a dark color. The two lower tentacles, was a medium brown color. The two upper tentacles, were optical tentacles. They had one eye, on each tip, of these two upper tentacles. These two upper tentacles, were used for seeing. The two lower tentacles, were called sensory tentacles. They were used for feeling and smelling. Both sets of tentacles, are retractable, in land snails. Slugs and snails, are not insects, but mollusks, related to oysters, clams, and other shellfish, and characteristically, have a soft, unsegmented body, usually protected with a hard, calcareous she'll. The body of the snail, consists of a head, neck, visceral hump, tail and foot. Snails and slugs, are mainly nocturnal, but they come out of there hiding places, to feed in the evening, or on dark days. A land snail, is any of the numerous species of snail, that lives on land, as opposed to sea snails and freshwater snails. Land snails, is the common name, for terrestrial gastropod mollusks, that have shells. The majority of land snails, are pulmonates, they have a lung, and breathe air. Land snails, move by gliding along on there muscular foot, which is lubricated with mucus, and covered with epithelial cilia. The diet of most land snails, can include, leaves, stems, soft bark, fruit, vegetables, fungi and algae. Phylum: Mollusca Class: Gastropoda


Snails are quite plentiful in the world, so it shouldn't come as a surprise to learn, they are found in very diverse habitats. Snails live in such places as marshes, woodlands, pond margins, and backyard wildlife habitats. Look for them in flower and vegetable gardens, under leaves, mulch, rocks, logs, in cracks and crevices, and under flower pots, and under other fixtures. All snails live where there's moisture and darkness. Some snails are comfortable in the desert, while others live in ditches, and cooler climates. These include the mountain areas, and even in marshes. What is often found, is that land snails, live in locations where there are humans around. Snails don't like to be where it is to hot, but they often find plenty of solace, in the shaded areas.


I went outside early in the morning, and I saw three snails resting on a wall, on the outside of my house. I also saw one other snail, resting on the outside of the front door. All four snails, were of the same species, and of the same size. Small. The color of these four snails, was different shades of brown. The top whorls on some of these snails, was a darker color. All of these snails, had five to six whorls, on there shells. Each snail, had three or four tan lines, going around its shell. Each tan line, was of a different width.

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maplemoth66 8 years ago

Thank you Hema!!

Hema  Shah
Hema Shah 8 years ago

there is so much to see in florida!!

Spotted by

Florida, USA

Spotted on May 25, 2016
Submitted on Jul 5, 2016

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