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Fruit Fly


About one cm.


Found on a citrus tree.

1 Species ID Suggestions

Fruit Fly
Bactrocera atrisetosa Bactrocera atrisetosa

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LeanneGardner 12 years ago

Thank you pmbagga & thanks Cindy & Scott for the suggestions. I thought I got another shot of this guy, but I didn't. Will remember wings next time. Thanks for you help :)

Hi Leanne, the ID I gave you is a guess. I can't see the veins of the wings in your pic and the listed plants this species prefers doesn't match your habitat but I think it's safe to accept the genus.

pmbagga 12 years ago

Nice spotting !!

LeanneGardner 12 years ago

Thanks Argy. The one on the link doesn't seem to have the same markings on his shoulders?

Spotted by

4741, Queensland, Australia

Spotted on Jun 1, 2012
Submitted on Jun 1, 2012

Spotted for Mission

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