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I am unsure of the species of this dragonfly. The picture is of the exuvia of the dragonfly. The dragonfly in nymph form crawled out of the water and began breaking out of it's skin. This is it's final shedding or molting before becoming a dragonfly After it broke out of this skin it filled the veins of it's wings with blood to stretch them out, expanded its abdomen, and drew the blood back out of it's wings. At this moment while the dragon fly is out of the water and preparing for its first flight it is at it's most vulnerable. Once it's wings have dried and the sun has warmed it up some it will take to the air and once again be the vicious predator that was as a nymph in the water, but now it's pray will be in the sky rather that than the pond, stream or river of it's youth.


This exuvia was spotted just off the beginning of the boardwalk on the right side.

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1 Comment

Geodialist 12 years ago

Given the large population of dragonflies and damselflies at Huntley Meadows Park, one would expect to see many exuviae. Experience has shown otherwise. Great spotting, Matt!

Spotted by

Virginia, USA

Spotted on Jul 23, 2011
Submitted on Jun 23, 2012

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