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Eastern Glass Lizard

Ophisaurus ventralis


Speckled green and black lizard with no legs and a white belly.


Found dead in a yard in central Florida. Late springtime with hot days, not far from a lake.

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Aaron_G 11 years ago

That's definitely an honest mistake when dealing with legless lizards. :-) I was just skimming through the snake mission and was tidying it up a bit. Thanks for taking care of that.

Curator of Good
Curator of Good 11 years ago

Actually Aaron, it was mistakenly not removed from Snakes mission after the comments below clarified that this spotting is indeed a limbless lizard, not a snake as I had originally believed.
My bad.

Aaron_G 11 years ago

Hi there. This was mistakenly placed into the "Snakes of the World" mission. Please remove it and consider the "Reptiles of the World" mission instead. Thanks!

Here's the link:

Curator of Good
Curator of Good 12 years ago

Thanks for the help Brian and ForestDragon!

ForestDragon 12 years ago

I would agree with Brian. This is a Glass Lizard. Good luck with ID! Nice spotting. I love the legless lizards. They are very interesting animals.

Brian Parsons
Brian Parsons 12 years ago

Looks to be one of the Glass Lizards in your area:

Curator of Good
Spotted by
Curator of Good

Winter Park, Florida, USA

Spotted on May 16, 2012
Submitted on Jul 16, 2012

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