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Silver Argiope.

Argiope argentata.

1 Species ID Suggestions

bayucca 11 years ago
Silver Argiope
Argiope argentata

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DB 11 years ago

Thanks a lot @bayucca for the ID. Yes, it could be Argentata because it is very common on our gardens.

bayucca 11 years ago

You have to verify Argentata for Argentina. Argiope sp. I think is fine, but the species you should check different ones, since yours is only the ventral side.

FabianYanezVargas 11 years ago

Me parece una arana magallanica,no estoy seguro.

Spotted by

Salta, Salta, Argentina

Spotted on Feb 27, 2012
Submitted on Jul 27, 2012

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