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Fuchsia Flatworm

Pseudoceros ferrugineus


Flatworms come in many color combinations. This one was approximately 3" long. This species can regenerate an entire new animal from a detached fragment, and can as well reproduce sexually. They move very slowly by secreating a mat of mucus under their body. Their bright color, as with many marine animals, is a warning to predators that they are very distasteful, and toxic as well.


This species was spotted while scuba diving on a coral reef in Fiji, approximately 65' deep.

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AshleyT 8 years ago

Congrats Jim, your beautiful Fushia Flatworm has made the top 10 other spottings in the '2015 Best Wildlife Photo' mission! Rangers are voting on the top 10 other spottings, and the top 3 will be announced on February 7th. The top 3 spottings will be commented on here on the site, but make sure you keep a look out on our Facebook app page for the announcement as well! Congratulations on making the top 10!

Leuba Ridgway
Leuba Ridgway 9 years ago

Lovely spotting James ! Thanks for the information.

CalebSteindel 9 years ago


Jim Nelson
Jim Nelson 9 years ago have referred me to several missions I did not know existed. Thanks for that and your comment below.

The MnMs
The MnMs 9 years ago

Very beautiful James! There is amission for Flatworms where you can add this nice spotting:

Mark Ridgway
Mark Ridgway 9 years ago

Beautiful critter. Nice spotting.

Jim Nelson
Spotted by
Jim Nelson

Eastern, Fiji

Spotted on Oct 28, 2009
Submitted on Feb 10, 2015

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