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Tiger Bee Fly

Xenox tigrinus


Large fly with distinct patterning on the wings. Dark body with some light markings. Large wrap-around eyes.


Suburban backyard garden.


This species most likely gets its name from the wing pattern. This is the one of the largest flies I have seen. It buzzed me and I didn't see what it was at first. It actually landed on my hand at one point but I wasn't able to get a good picture of that, sadly.

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ForestDragon 12 years ago

Thank you Karen. I honestly thought I had missed my chance as the fly had gotten spooked the first time I attempted to photograph him/her. Thankfully, s/he was a brave Tiger and returned for a photo shoot. :)

KarenL 12 years ago

Great spot Tamar!

Spotted by

New York, USA

Spotted on Jul 27, 2012
Submitted on Jul 30, 2012

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