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Pachystachys lutea
Yellow inflorescence and yellow flowers on this plant.
Balboa Park Botanical Garden
Aka Lollipop Plant. "They grow in almost any well-drained soil but, like most ornamentals, prefer a soil with an acid reaction." - Wikipedia
Funny I was going through my pictures today from when I was up in Queen Elizabeth park in Vancouver in 2009 and all the beautiful tropical plants and didn't realize I had taken a picture of this same plant.
That was an easy one ;-)... Interesting is that the bright yellow is actually not the blossom, but yellow is better visible during the day than white, so insects and hummingbirds (probably not specially in this one!) will be more attracted and find the way to the blossom.
Few more seconds. But the scientific name I found was for a hanging variety. Thank you Bayucca. Great job and thank you Cindy for the chance to see this great plant.
Justicia brandegeana
I see what you mean. According to Wikipedia: "The zygomorphic, long-throated, short-lived white flowers emerge sequentially from overlapping bright yellow bracts on racemes that are produced throughout the warm months." Either way, I think it's beautiful :)
The yellow/orange petals look more like leaves. Kinda like how a pointsetta is. You can see how some lower ones have some green in them.