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I was out hiking when I saw these beautiful mushrooms. I believe they are Turkey Tail. What was very interesting was their color was brown and reddish in the morning while it was cloudy. Around midday the sun came out and it heated up. The mushrooms turned white.anyone have an explanation for this??

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Jae 9 years ago

You're welcome, Brendan, and good luck :)

BrendanMac 9 years ago

Thank you so much for helping me! I will check them again soon and look at their underside.

Jae 9 years ago

Nice photos, Brendan. I believe the variation of color is caused by changes in humidity and could indicate that the fungus is hygrophanous.
Also I think the fungi in your spotting could also be false turkey tails (Stereum ostrea), but you would need a photo of the underside to be certain. A false turkey tail mushroom has a smooth surface and a turkey tail mushroom a pore surface.

Spotted by

Maryland, USA

Spotted on Mar 21, 2015
Submitted on Mar 22, 2015

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