A worldwide community photographing and learning about wildlife
Raorchestes luteolus
Blue-eyed Bush Frog or Coorg Yellow Bush Frog is a species of frog endemic to southern western ghats of the state of Karnataka, India. These frogs are nocturnal and are found on the trees. Their calls are like, "trrr... tuk tuk tuk". The dominant colour form is yellowish brown with light-brownish lines or light-yellowish with discontinuous light-brown lines, but some individuals may be almost golden yellow with only faint spots. The iris is light brown encircled with a bluish green outer ring. (Info:wiki)
Endemic to rainforests of western ghats of India. They are only found in the state of Karnataka. They live on trees.
First two photographs are single individual which is a light yellow morph. Third photograph is a dark morph with fully distended vocal sac.
Wow! Thank you Ashley and Project Noah team. I am glad to see this beautiful amphibian making it to the top 10 amphibian spottings in the '2015 Best Wildlife Photo' mission. :) :)
Beautiful shot and congratulations!
Congrats Mohit, your beautiful Blue-eyed Bush Frog has made the top 10 amphibian spottings in the '2015 Best Wildlife Photo' mission! Rangers are voting on the top 10 amphibian spottings, and the top 3 will be announced on February 2nd. The top 3 spottings will be commented on here on the site, but make sure you keep a look out on our Facebook app page for the announcement as well! Congratulations on making the top 10! https://www.facebook.com/projectnoah
@Fyn Kynd:
Thank you so much for the nomination. I am looking forward to it being showcased at spotting of the week. :)
Lovely spotting ! thanks for sharing.
Wonderful. Good luck
Your spotting has been nominated for the Spotting of the Week. The winner will be chosen by the Project Noah Rangers based on a combination of factors including: uniqueness of the shot, status of the organism (for example, rare or endangered), quality of the information provided in the habitat and description sections. There is a subjective element, of course; the spotting with the highest number of Ranger votes is chosen. Congratulations on being nominated!
wow!!! so lovely....
What a beautiful little frog! Lovely photos :)
Thank you friends. :)
Alien like, love it!
Awesome photos! What a cool frog.
Amazing capture :)