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Eastern Cottontail Rabbit


Found outside my house heading toward the Azalea bushes.

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Caleb Steindel
Caleb Steindel 10 years ago

i would vouch for eastern cottontail footprint

batex 10 years ago

Thanks, they do look like like squirrel tracks, but I should hope there's no squirrel that large!

dane.a.hep 10 years ago

They do look very squirrel-like though.

dane.a.hep 10 years ago

No they don't look like it. Rabbits tend to have a very large difference in the sizes of the tracks. The two smaller tracks you will find trailing one right after another. If you image search in google "rabbit tracks" it will show you what I mean.

Spotted by

Sevierville, Tennessee, USA

Spotted on Jan 28, 2014
Submitted on Jan 29, 2014

Spotted for Mission

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