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Species ID Suggestions

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ForestDragon 9 years ago

Hi Ally, welcome to Project Noah. You are only allowed to post photos that you have taken yourself. Two of the images you posted here were found in several places on the internet, and so were removed.

Please make sure to read the FAQ so you will know what is acceptable to post here. Thank you.

Maria dB
Maria dB 9 years ago

These are nice spottings, Ally, but each photo needs to be in a different posting as they are all different organisms. You can also add the common names (for example, horse) and then look up those names in wikipedia, for example, to find the scientific name. Please let us know if you have questions on how to edit your spottings.

Spotted by

Massachusetts, USA

Spotted on Feb 20, 2015
Submitted on Apr 19, 2015

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