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Hoverfly larva

Family Syrphidae


I really have no idea of what is this. It was resting on a leaf, I thought it was a cocoon or a pupa. But, when I touched it, it extended its head and started to move (photos 2, 3 and 4). My guess is that it is the larva of some beetle (a grub), but it could also be any other thing... Guess anyone?

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Sergio Monteiro
Sergio Monteiro 10 years ago

Valeu, Sckel.

Sckel 10 years ago

tenho um similar id pelo burini:

Sergio Monteiro
Sergio Monteiro 10 years ago

It moved from the middle to the edge of the leaf.

sarah in the woods
sarah in the woods 10 years ago

Did the whole thing move or just one end? I wonder if it was something beginning to pupate.

Sergio Monteiro
Spotted by
Sergio Monteiro

Quatro Barras, PR, Brazil

Spotted on Jan 29, 2014
Submitted on Jan 30, 2014

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