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Schedotrioza sp
Small (8mm) outgrowths like green figs arising from eucalyptus leaf surface. the bases looked brown and slightly woody. An apical orifice was seen in each gall.
Eucalyptus tree - ? species
Thanks to I.cook for pointing me in the right direction for an ID and to martinl for confirming the ID of the genus of psyllid.
Pachypsylla sp is not in Australia.
I am confident that you have Schedotrioza sp which can look like this http://www.projectnoah.org/spottings/114... or this
http://www.projectnoah.org/spottings/144... or this http://www.projectnoah.org/spottings/178... (the gall, not the orthopteran.
Would they be Pachypsylla sp? Checking if this species is in Australia
I.cook, thanks again for your help and correction. Much appreciated.
These galls belong to a psyllid, not an eriococcid scale insect.