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Green Plant


Plants, also called green plants, are multicellular eukaryotes, of the kingdom Plantae. They form a clade, that includes the flowering plants, conifers, and other gymnosperms, ferns, clubmosses, hornworts, liverworts, mosses, and the green algae. Green plants, have cell walls with cellulose, and characteristically obtain most of there energy, from sunlight via photosynthesis, by primary chloroplast, derived from endosymbiosia with cyanobacteria. There chloroplasts, contain chlorophylls a and b, which gives them there green color. Precise numbers are difficult to determine, but as of 2010, there are thought to be, 300-315 thousand species of plants. Green plants provide most of the world's molecular oxygen, and are the basis of most of the earth's ecologies, especially on land. Plants that produce grains, fruits and vegetables, from mankind's basic foodstuffs, and have been domesticated for millennia. The scientific study of plants, is known as botany, a branch of biology. The most striking and important feature of plants, is there green color, the result of a pigment called chlorophyll. Plants use chlorophyll, to capture light energy, which fuels the manufacture of food-sugar, starch, and other carbohydrates. Without these food sources, most life on earth, would be impossible. There would still be mushrooms and algae, but there would be no fruits, vegetables, grains or any animals ( which rely on plants for food too! ). Plant Structure: Those plants that produce seeds, are the dominant and most studied group of plants, on the planet. The leaves of these plants, are all covered with a cuticle, a waxy layer that inhibits water loss. The leaves have stomata, microscopic pores, that open during the day, to take in carbon dioxide, and release oxygen during photosynthesis ( process by which sunlight is used to form carbohydrates, from carbon dioxide and water, releasing oxygen as a by-product ). Leaves are connected to the stem, by veins, which transport water and nutrients, throughout the plant. The roots of a plant, take up water and minerals, from the soil, and also anchor the plant. Most plants, have a dense, fibrous network of roots, and this provides a large surface area, for the uptake of water and minerals..


Central Florida, and any other area, where this plant, can grow and survive.


I went walking around the neighborhood, looking for insects, plants, and flowers, to photograph. While walking around the neighborhood, I came upon this green plant, which was in the front yard, of a neighbor's house. It was a large, green plant, with lot's of green leaves. One leaf, was one and three fourths of an inch wide, and three and one half inches long. The top of the leaves, was a dark, glossy, green color. The bottom of the leaves, was a medium green color. Each leaf had a lot of veins on it. The leaves were attached to the midrib. Leaf arrangement: The arrangement of leaves along a stem, usually takes one of three forms: opposite, alternate, and whorled. The point at which a leaf attaches to the plant stem, is the node. The arrangement of the leaves, on this plant, is Opposite. Opposite leaves are borne in pairs, at the same node..

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Florida, USA

Spotted on May 20, 2015
Submitted on May 20, 2015

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