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Gray Moth


This very small gray moth, was about three eights of an inch wide. Wingtip to wingtip. It had two, black, compound eyes. It's front legs were banded, and they were of two or three colors. White and gray. Thorax - dark and medium gray colors. Abdomen - dark and medium gray colors. It had two forewings, and two hindwings. Wings - dark and medium gray colors. Also, white and brown. Front edge of forewings, was banded, with two colors. Dark and light color, and white. Dark wavy lines, on top of wings. White color, on front legs, front edge of forewings, and on top of wings.


Resting on a concrete wall, near the front door of my house.


I went outside at 5:30 a.m. in the morning, to look for insects, that were resting on the front door, and on the concrete walls, near the front door. I found a very small moth, resting on a concrete wall, near the front door. It was three eights of an inch wide. Wingtip to wingtip. It's wings were resting flat against the wall, in the fully open position. It had two, black, compound eyes. It's front legs were banded, and they were of two or three colors. White and gray. Thorax - dark and medium gray. Abdomen - dark and medium gray. It had two forewings, and two hindwings. Wings - dark and medium gray, white and brown. Front edge of forewings, was banded, with two colors. Dark and light colors. White. Dark wavy lines, on top of wings. White color, on front legs, front edge of wings, and on top of wings.

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Florida, USA

Spotted on Jun 1, 2015
Submitted on Jun 1, 2015

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