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Unknown orbweaver

Ocrepeira sp.


Tiny spider - about 2 mm in diameter. Poss Ocrepeira yaelae.


Found on the motor canoe taking us down the Napa river to our lodge.

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62 Comments (1–25)

KarenL 10 years ago

Absolutely Mark & Lauren!

Mark Ridgway
Mark Ridgway 10 years ago

Nice to have a possible family name but also nice to know the experts haven't seen it before.

LaurenZarate 10 years ago

Wonderful news on this one!

KarenL 10 years ago

We may have got a little closer to identifying this little guy - Mandy howe passed the photo on to Dr. Adalberto Santos, an arachnoligist with ICB/UFMG department of Zoology who is researching Araneidae in South America. His reply was: "Nice picture! This looks like a member of the genus *Ocrepeira* (family Araneidae), but it wouldn't be possible to determine the species by a photo. We should have the specimen to examine to say anything beyond that. I can say I have never seen any species like this, but it could as well be a juvenile."

Mandy has used this as a starting point & has identified similarities in body shape to Ocrepeira yaelae though the colors do not match those of the adult specimens she has found.

KarenL 10 years ago

Thank you sintija!

Sintija Valucka
Sintija Valucka 10 years ago

So cute!!! :)) Amazing spotting! :))

Uday 10 years ago

same problem I am facing with my lynxs.. :(

KarenL 10 years ago

Very possibly Uday. I've had no luck identifying the species & have posted it on many spider boards. Thanks for the link.

Uday 10 years ago
KarenL 11 years ago

Thanks ceejay! Unfortunately no one else seems to have seen one either so I can't put a name to the species yet!

ceejayalyssa 11 years ago

so cute. never seen one like this, great colors

KarenL 11 years ago

Thank you Env!

KarenL 11 years ago

It does Jemma!

Hema  Shah
Hema Shah 11 years ago

looks a little like a hermit crab?

KarenL 11 years ago

Thanks Cindy - it was only the size of a pinhead so I'm amazed I found it, especially as we were in a motor canoe traveling at speed & getting soaked by torrential rain!

Wow, not sure how I missed this one. Great spotting, Karen!

KarenL 11 years ago

Thanks Jason!

Jason Alexander
Jason Alexander 11 years ago

That's amazing spider man! :D

KarenL 11 years ago

Thank you Andrea! You are right - it does look like a kid's art!

Andrea Lim
Andrea Lim 11 years ago

WOW looks like a kids art project. Very colourful! Good spotting Karen!

KarenL 11 years ago

Thanks Daniel - it could well be this photo you've seen elsewhere as I posted it on a few of the boards!

DanielWhitlock 11 years ago

I believe I have seen this kind of spider before in a forum elsewhere. Quite a unique specimen! I'll start researching and let you know if I come up with anything tangible.

KarenL 11 years ago

Thanks for the link Adarsha. I will send them the pic & see if they have any ideas.

Adarsha B S
Adarsha B S 11 years ago

Thats a special one! Wonderful....
This link may give some insights...

KarenL 11 years ago

Part of me is kind of hoping I don't Atul - it would be really cool to discover a new species!

Spotted by

Provincia de Orellana, Ecuador

Spotted on Dec 4, 2012
Submitted on Dec 8, 2012

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