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Spotted Scorpionfish ( juvenile )

Scorpaena plumieri


Photo take on a shallow area near the coast snorkeling at -18 ft, beautiful Scorpionfish just laying at the bottom almost invisible to the eye, one of the greatest camouflage underwater.They have fleshy plumes over their eyes, which combined with the characteristic skin flaps around their head and their mottled wide-range of brown coloring makes them blend into reef or rocky bottoms so that they become virtually invisible. They possess poisonous spines in their fins.


Most of the time scorpionfish lie motionless on the bottom, where they are well camouflaged. Found in the Western Atlantic from North Florida all the Caribbean sea to Brazil. Feeds mainly on other fish and crustaceans. Moderately common below 5 m depth to at least 55 m


Scorpionfishes inject their venom into predators through their dorsal spines upon penetration. Their venom causes severe pain but is not usually fatal to humans, however medical treatment should be sought immediately for victims. Divers can avoid contact by not resting on the bottom or reefs and being very careful where they put their hands.

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Gerardo Aizpuru
Spotted by
Gerardo Aizpuru


Spotted on Dec 11, 2012
Submitted on Dec 11, 2012

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