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Trapdoor Spider



At least the size of a quarter if not bigger. Found sleeping/hibernating in the dirt where I was planting muscadines. Fat matte black abdomen with red legs. Prominent pinchers.


Fence line near an open field in rural area.

Species ID Suggestions

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Felix Fleck
Felix Fleck 7 years ago

Rather a Purseweb Spider than a Trapdoor Spider.

momsavang 7 years ago

@ForestDragon, thank you as always :)! I am almost 100% sure it's a trap door spider after reading one bugguide post from Rome Georgia. I think I accidentally uploaded the instagram pic instead of the regular photo for one of those and it made the legs appear much more red than they actually were.

ForestDragon 7 years ago

Possibly a female Sphodros rufipes.

or maybe Genus Myrmekiaphila.

Most certainly a Mygalomorph either way.

Spotted by

Georgia, USA

Spotted on Mar 6, 2017
Submitted on Mar 6, 2017

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