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Ficus sp.
This fig tree's branch created a bridge over a small river. The fruits of the fig tree serve as food for several animals that disperse their seeds. Many times they are deposited on the tops of trees, where they germinate and begin development. They then stretch their roots towards the soil and wrap around the tree for support. Using the nutrients it gets from the soil, the fig tree increases its volume and growth rate. The roots wrap around the trunk and smothers the crown of the support tree, impeding it from receiving enough light for photosynthesis and killing it in the long term. Such a large tree creates a microenvironment, serving as support for bromeliads, orchids, ferns and lianas, small animals as frogs and birds and a miryad of insects.
I want to live here!
Thank you, Leuba. "Brava" can be translated as "angry", but also (as in this case) as "wild".
Just look at the variety of plants in the one place - lovely ! I also love the name " Figueira brava"
Thank you Gilma, JPrat001 and Hemma.
very cool
I love the pictures of that beautiful tree!! Thank you so much, Sergio Monteiro for sharing such beauty.