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Aromia moschata

1 Species ID Suggestions

bayucca 10 years ago
Musk Beetle
Aromia moschata Musk beetle

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Hvala! Se še uvajam in spoznavam vse funkcije te aplikacije, ki sem jo danes mimogrede našla - res super aplikacija! Pozdrav.

Ups, Sweden:)

Really? Ok, I wouldn't confuse Sweeden and Switzerland:)

bayucca 10 years ago

Like Sweden and Switzerland...

Yes, a lot of people confuse Slovenia with Slovakia:) Thank you again for identification!

Is that a Slovak language?

bayucca 10 years ago

Oh, I see now. I first thought your were from Slowakia and Slovenska is your language, but that's obviously not the case. Fuzáč pižmový is Slovenska and in Slovenia it is called Moškatni kozliček as you already stated. That's the problem when you read something but cannot understand any word of it ;-)...
Welcome to project Noah, Irena!

bayucca 10 years ago

And what is Fuzáč pižmový??

Thank you for identification! Now I know what species is that beetle. In Slovenia it is called "Moškatni kozliček".

bayucca 10 years ago

Cerambycidae, Cerambycinae, Aromia moschata. Very variable and yours is a little bit far away but I think it is Aromia moschata.


Ava T-B
Ava T-B 10 years ago

Welcome to Project Noah, hrovat.irena,
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Enjoy yourself here, see you around!


Spotted on Sep 20, 2013
Submitted on Mar 2, 2014

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