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Royal fern

Osmunda regalis


The rounded, toothless pinnules of the sterile frond make this fern look unlike any other North American fern. There is a separate fertile frond.


Found in very wet soil, usually near a body of water. In my experience, sphagnum moss is often found near royal ferns, but the presence of sphagnum moss does not necessarily indicate the presence of royal fern.


The plants database from the USDA is keeping the specific epithet regalis for this plant, and includes a spectabilis variety. Wikipedia says that the genetic difference between the Old World O. regalis and the New World fern indicates that they are separate species, making the pictured fern, O. spectabilis. For now, I'm sticking with the USDA.

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Virginia, USA

Spotted on May 5, 2010
Submitted on Feb 25, 2013

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