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American Toad

Anaxyrus americanus


Light brown, almost tan, base color with splotches of lighter or darker brown scattered over the area of it's skin. Bumpy texture.


Woodland areas, especially those close to a stream or that receive fair amounts of rainfall.

1 Species ID Suggestions

AshleyT 8 years ago
American Toad
Anaxyrus americanus

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Samuel Borsh
Samuel Borsh 8 years ago

Thanks Ashley!

AshleyT 8 years ago

Best way to tell Fowler's and American apart is by looking at the paratoid glands and cranial crests. If they butt up against each other, it's a Fowler's, if they are only connected by a thin string or not at all, then it's American. Yours aren't up against each other. Then next best character is how many warts there are per dark spot. American has 1-2, Fowler's has 3+. Yours has 1 in most dark spot, so this is American.

Samuel Borsh
Spotted by
Samuel Borsh

Maryland, USA

Spotted on Sep 28, 2015
Submitted on Oct 21, 2015

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