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Giant Katydid

Stilpnochlora couloniana


I saw this Giant Katydid, resting on the side of the front door. The Giant Katydid, is lime to dark green in color, and has brown eyes. When it's an adult, the wings extend far past the abdomen, and looks like a glossy leaf, of a tree or shrub. The body of an adult female, is around 4 cm long, including it's wings, and it's total length is 7 cm. The males are slightly smaller and less bulky, including wings. The male is about 6 cm long. The males also have a more narrow body, and have a longer antennae. The hind legs of this species, are designed for jumping, and are very prominent. This species is night active. This species of Katydid, exclusively feeds on plants. It will eat the leaves of oak, bramble, hazel, hypericum, butterfly bush, apple, rose, and hawthorn.


Katydids, are found on every continent except Antartica. The mast majority of Katydid species, live in the tropical regions of the world. However, Katydids are also found in the cool, dry temperate regions as well, with about 255 species in North America.


I saw this Giant Katydid, resting on the side of the front door. It was 2 inches long. It was lime to dark green in color. It has 6 legs. It had two, long antennae. The hind legs of this species, are designed for jumping. It has brown eyes.

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Spotted on Nov 6, 2015
Submitted on Dec 22, 2015

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