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Springtime darner dragonfly

Basiaeschna Janata

Species ID Suggestions

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mblustgmc 11 years ago

Since the eyes are touching, it can't be a petatail. Any darner in the NE in spring is an Anax (Green Darner), Basiaeschna janata (Springtime Darner), Rhionaeschna mutata (Spatterdock Darner), or one of two Gomphaeschna species. This certainly looks like Gomphaeschna to me. Probably Gomphaeschna furcillata (which is more common in the NE), but it may be Gomphaeschna antilope (which would be a great find in MA!). Perhaps someone with more Gomphaeschna experience can discern the species from the photos.

BugEric 11 years ago

This is some kind of darner dragonfly, family Aeshnidae. Need to see detail of the terminal segments of the abdomen to get a species ID.

ForestDragon 11 years ago

Take a read through the FAQ page if you haven't already.

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turtlesandtombstones 11 years ago

I've got one from a little further away, though I don't know how to add another photo to this.

ForestDragon 11 years ago

Welcome to Project Noah! This is certainly a species of Dragonfly. Do you have any more views of this beauty? It might help with ID.

Ludlow, Massachusetts, USA

Spotted on May 27, 2012
Submitted on Mar 28, 2013

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