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Leonotis (Lion's Ear)

Leonotis nepetifolia


Plants on average 1 m tall with flower heads in tandem on a single stalk.


Tropical leeward valley.


Spotted in Makua-Keaau Forest Reserve. This species, native to Africa, is a pest, and often considered invasive, in Hawaii.

1 Species ID Suggestions

Leonotis nepetifolia

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LennyWorthington 10 years ago

You're welcome Allen.
I didn't know the english name.
Thats useful.

Allen Hoof
Allen Hoof 10 years ago

Lenny, thanks for the ID. I've updated the spotting. FYI, identification was not possible in the initial post, because when I saw it, it was identified to me verbally, and the name sounded like "Leonidas." Immediate follow-up clarification was not possible. Later online searches kept returning references to the Spartan leader of the 300 at Thermopylae!

LennyWorthington 10 years ago

A tropical African species

Allen Hoof
Spotted by
Allen Hoof

Honolulu, Hawaii, USA

Spotted on Mar 8, 2014
Submitted on Mar 9, 2014

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