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Serpula Himantioides

Serpula himantioides


Thin, resupinate, membranous basidiocarps. It had an irregularly wrinkled pore surface, which was yellowish-brown in color. The margin was white.


Growing on a rotting tree in a pine forest.


This fungus is a pathogen and has an economic impact on lumber supply.

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Christine Y.
Christine Y. 6 years ago

Thanks Neil!

Neil Ross
Neil Ross 6 years ago

I thought this was a marine sponge or similar at first, and am quite shocked to see it's fungus. How amazing! An awesome spotting, Christine, and great photo series

Christine Y.
Christine Y. 6 years ago

It was gorgeous, and it peeled right off the wood. The underside was smooth and elastic-like - very membranous and awesome!

flowntheloop 6 years ago

So envious! This one has been on my bucket list for a while! <3

Christine Y.
Spotted by
Christine Y.

Connecticut, USA

Spotted on Dec 1, 2017
Submitted on Dec 10, 2017

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