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Rio Grande Mock Vervain

Glandularia polyantha


Found along the paths at Santa Ana NWR

1 Species ID Suggestions

Purple lantanna
Lantana montevidensis Factsheet - Lantana montevidensis

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FelixO 8 years ago

...actually, now that i'm looking at this spotting again i'm realizing that it is Glandularia polyantha because of the the leaf structure

FelixO 8 years ago

i was looking at a website with different flowers that grow in the Rio Grande Valley and these were the more likely candidates. i'm going to have to disagree with lantana because of the structure of the leaves.

ThomasCaelifera 8 years ago

...and here I was thinking it was some kind of Phlox. No, but you're definitely right. It is a Glandularia species, not sure which one, though..

FelixO 8 years ago

ok, i narrowed this one down to two possibilities: Rio Grande mock vervain (Glandularia polyantha) or Dakota mock vervain (Glandularia bipinnatifida)

Spotted by

Pharr, Texas, USA

Spotted on Mar 16, 2016
Submitted on Mar 16, 2016

Spotted for Mission

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