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Isomira sericea
This beetle is in the Family Tenebrionidae (Darkling Beetles) and Subfamily Alleculinae (Comb-clawed Beetles). It's about 5 to 6 mm in length. Elongate-oval. Pale brownish-yellow throughout, feebly shining; clothed with tine, dense and short pubescence. Antennae two-thirds as long as body, the third and fourth joints equal. Thorax one-half wider than long, sides straight and parallel to middle, thence rounded to apex, which is truncate and one-half the width of base; surface, as well as that of elytra, densely and finely punctured. Elytra with two or three feebly impressed striae near the suture, these more strongly marked near apex. Note that fourth segment of maxillary palpi is long and slender--separates from some related species.
Eastern United States. This one was photographed at a porch light hear a deciduous forest in Edgefield County, SC.
Found on flowers, presumably takes pollen and/or nectar.
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