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Common Tormentil / Petoprsta steža

Potentilla erecta / Tormentilla erecta / Potentilla tormentilla


It is a herbaceous perennial belonging to the rose family (Rosaceae). It is a low, clumb-forming plant with slender, procumbent to arcuately upright stalks, growing 10 - 30 cm. tall and with non-rooting runners. This plant is flowering from May - Aug/Sep. There is one yellow, 7 - 11 mm wide flower, growing at the tip of a long stalk. There are almost always 4 notched petals, each with a length between 3 - 6 mm. Four petals are rather uncommon in the rose family.


It grows wild all over Asia and northern Europe, mostly in a wide variety of habitats, such as clearings, meadows, sandy soils and dunes.


The rhizomatous root is thick. It is inappropriate to be used for food due to extreme bitterness and low caloric value. It can be used as a vegetable dye to dye leather red.The plant is particularly used in herbal medicine as an astringent because of its tannin content. Other names: Tormentil root, Septfoil, Tormentil.

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Zagreb, Croatia

Spotted on Apr 14, 2013
Submitted on Apr 14, 2013

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