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Eleven-armed Sea Star

Coscinasterias calamaria


The Eleven-armed Sea Star is native to Australia & New Zealand. They can be identified by their most common feature of eleven arms although you might find them with more or less (7-14) depending upon circumstance. Their colour is normally blue (ocassionally brown), with accents of a multitude of colours. The bi-coloured spines may be blue at the base and salmon pink at the tips.


Intertidal rocky shores and coastal waters to a depth of 150 metres.


When I showed these photos to my BIL, he told me this was a Crown Of Thorns Sea Star. After doing some research, I feel he's mistaken in his identification and have found this to be an Eleven-armed Sea Star. Could someone confirm this for me please? Thanks, Trudi

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Mark Ridgway
Mark Ridgway 11 years ago

Fantastic first spotting. Welcome to Project Noah.

MartinL 11 years ago

You are correct about your ID. Victoria is too cold for the notorious crown of thorns seastar.

Spotted by

Victoria, Australia

Spotted on Jan 12, 2009
Submitted on May 9, 2013

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