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Saw-shelled Turtle

Myuchelys latisternum


When I first spotted this turtle in the distance I thought it to be a Brisbane Short-necked Turtle, the most common turtle in the Brisbane river catchment area (see signage found at the gardens on the last pic). On examination of the pics I believe it to be a Saw-shelled Turtle, based on the spiny neck, serrated carapace along the rear edge and a large head shield.


A large pond at Mt Coot-tha Botanical gardens, established on subtropical woodlands.


This short-necked turtle is also locally known as snapping turtle because of its fierce bite. Primarily carnivorous, the Saw-shelled Turtle eats fish, tadpoles, insects and frogs. It is one of only a few native Australian species capable of safely consuming the poisonous introduced cane toad, Rhinella marina.

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The MnMs
The MnMs 10 years ago

I wonder if they put misleading signs on purpose to challenge you to see the difference :-)

DanielePralong 10 years ago

Glad you liked it Neil!

NeilDazet 10 years ago

Great series Daniele! I enjoyed the photos and the information!

DanielePralong 10 years ago

Thanks agustina1!

DanielePralong 10 years ago

Thanks Luis!

LuisStevens 10 years ago

Great series and info Daniele.

DanielePralong 10 years ago

Thank you cbenito00!

cbenito00 10 years ago

Soo cute! It's like he is modeling for the camera! Good job!

DanielePralong 10 years ago

Thanks Caleb!

Caleb Steindel
Caleb Steindel 10 years ago

wow, very nice series danielle!

DanielePralong 10 years ago

Thanks for your comment and for the confirmation Neil. I've added pic of the sign the gardens have at the same pond; I hope they are aware there is at least one other turtle species there as well :-)

Neil Ross
Neil Ross 10 years ago

These are excellent photos, Daniele. I think you're absolutely correct with your ID. I have a shot of the rear edge of the carapace and it is definitely serrated. The Brisbane Short-necked Turtle (Emydura macquarii signata) carapace isn't serrated, nor does it have the spiny nape shown here. Well done on spotting these features.

Spotted by

Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Spotted on Apr 6, 2014
Submitted on Apr 25, 2014

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