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Flowering Crab Apple Tree

Malus hybrids


Ornamental crab apples are a group of small flowering trees used for landscape plantings. They are valued for their foliage, flowers, fruit and variations in form and size.


Conservation/Windbreaks: Small tree for farmstead windbreaks and highway beautification. Wildlife: Crabapples provide fair cover and high quality fruit and browse for many birds and mammals. Rodents and rabbits can destroy trees by girdling the stem or trunk. Agroforestry Products: Wood - Desirable for smokehouse kindling and firewood. Food - Fruit used fresh or processed. Medicinal - Used as an antibiotic and for indigestion, dysentery and diarrhea. Urban/Recreational: Used for ornamental landscaping, specimen, shade tree, boulevards and screens

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Sailorway Middle School
Spotted by a stud ent at Sailorway Middle School

Vermilion, Ohio, USA

Spotted on May 14, 2014
Submitted on May 14, 2014

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