Thanks for your comments Lauren.I've seen this bug many times in Khao Soi Dao N.P.I dont think Assasin Bugs are very well documented in thailand.When I lived in Britain a field guide for everything was available,probably because there are not so many species and more observers.My unidentified folder gets bigger every week.I am tho obliged to the people on Noah for many suggestions.
Thanks for your comments Lauren.I've seen this bug many times in Khao Soi Dao N.P.I dont think Assasin Bugs are very well documented in thailand.When I lived in Britain a field guide for everything was available,probably because there are not so many species and more observers.My unidentified folder gets bigger every week.I am tho obliged to the people on Noah for many suggestions.
Kind of looks spider-like, a kind of mimicry?
Love the colors of this Assassin! Very neat one.