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Peacock Pansy

Junonia almana almana


Nymphalidae; Nymphalinae; Nymphaliini; Junonia almana almana Linnaeus, 1758. I posted a spotting just two days ago of a butterfly in my backyard. At that time, I felt secure in using the name Junonia almana almana. However, the picture shown here (taken during a little bug hunt in the local hills) has cast doubt over my previous spotting and also makes me less secure about this one. As you can see, I have used the name Junonia almana almana, but I now consider that to be temporary until I can get my confusion sorted out. I would really appreciate some help on this one from anyone who is more knowledgeable. I will try to explain what is confusing me in Notes below.


Spotted in a forested area near a little stream which runs into a mangrove.


The picture shown here (the only one I managed to get before the butterfly took off) looks similar to Wiki's picture in but the pattern along the termen (both forewing and hindwing) appears to be very much "heavier" and darker. Also the eyespot on the hindwing does not look exactly the same. Could this be the species "almana" and not the subspecies "almana almana"?

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John B.
Spotted by
John B.

Palauig, Central Luzon, Philippines

Spotted on Feb 8, 2023
Submitted on Feb 9, 2023

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