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Cave Cricket



Most are omnivorous and will feed on most anything organic. Many (if not most) will catch and eat other smaller animals when they can. In houses may chew on paper products, occasionally fabric. Hump-backed large crickets with long antennae and very long legs. Wingless (and thus unable to chirp) up to about 25 mm long. Able to jump several feet, which can be startling. Light tan to dark brown in color.


The family is found world-wide, and is widespread in North America south of Arctic regions. Most favor cool damp places - caves, rotten logs, under leaves or rocks. Will not reproduce indoors unless they find continuous dark, moist conditions.Species living in perpetual darkness, as deep in caves, may have eyes reduced or missing, and often have long slender limbs.

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Baltimore, Maryland, USA

Spotted on Apr 29, 2014
Submitted on May 22, 2014

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