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Banksia serrata
Description: Shrub or tree, to 16 m high in favourable habitats, sometimes in coastal sites a shrub to 3 m high; bark warty, ± friable, grey-brown; branchlets ± tomentose. Leaves alternate, ± crowded, oblong to narrow-obovate, 5–20 cm long, 15–40 mm wide, apex truncate but with a short mucro, base attenuate, margins ± toothed but entire for 1–5 c. from base, lower surface rusty-tomentose but becoming ± glabrous. Inflorescence 7–15 cm long. Perianth c. 40 mm long, creamy-grey, persistent. Style gently curved, cream, persistent and bent down and outward in fruit. Follicles up to 30, 25–35 mm long, prominently exserted.
Open woodland.
1 Comment
Very cool plant!