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Vicugna pacos


Andes peruanos


Valle del Colca

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Isabela 13 years ago

Thank you so much! I knew about the ears but the more photos on the Internet I looked at the more confused i got.

lori.tas 13 years ago

That's a llama. The surest give-away is the "banana ears", i.e. longer ears that curve inward. Alpaca ears are shorter and relatively straight. The white animal in the background however, is a suri alpaca. Alpacas come in two coats, the huacaya, which is the woolly fleece that most of us are familiar with, and the suri, which is long ringlets (similar to those on angora goat). The suri coat is exceptionally silky feeling and has a high lustre.

Isabela 13 years ago

Hi Lori, I've found another photo but I'm not sure if it is an alpaca or a llama. Could you please help?

lori.tas 13 years ago

Great photo.

For those people who wonder why they have red yarn hanging from their ears, the color(s) of the yarn indicate the owner of the animal (since alpacas are often kept in combined herds). The yarn is threaded through holes punched in the ear.

Spotted by

Arequipa, Peru

Spotted on Aug 11, 2005
Submitted on Nov 24, 2010

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