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Rock Dove Fantail Breed

Columba livia domestica


This dove(?) has been coming to my friend balcony for a week now. It goes and comes. We thought it was sick, but it flies and sometimes come into the apartment, and walk between bedrooms, and we can go near it, and it don't go away. Can someone tell us which species is and why is that behavior?

1 Species ID Suggestions

Barbary dove
Streptopelia risoria Barbary dove

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Carolina 10 years ago

Wow I didn't know I cropped the photos like that. But thank you for all the information!
So what I understand is that my friend could keep it as a pet?

Livan, we don't know if that church released them, but indeed my friend feels lucky.

Donald Comis
Donald Comis 10 years ago

I saw these when I stayed at a hotel in Wakiki, Hawaii, and I believed they were rock doves. They acted the same there--I think the accessibility of the balconies and homes attracts them as they look for food--crumbs, etc.

We certainly fed them.

LivanEscudero 10 years ago

Just a thought, have they released any white doves lately from that Church in the background?

LivanEscudero 10 years ago
This article may answer more questions. Yours seems to be definitively acting domesticated.

Spotted by

Pereira, Risaralda, Colombia

Spotted on Jul 7, 2014
Submitted on Jul 8, 2014

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