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Red raspberry slime mold

Tubifera ferruginosa


Small clumps of pink, red, orange tapioca-like sporangia were developing around the base of a large eucalyptus next to lichens and mosses.


Within a nature reserve incorporating stringybark, acacias, pomaderris, pittosporum, assorted woody shrubs and grasses.


Same as the one I found last year but very different colours. Kingdom: Amoebozoa Phylum: Mycetozoa Class: Myxogastria Order: Liceida Family: Reticulariaceae Genus: Tubifera Distribution in Australia

1 Species ID Suggestions

Jellis 10 years ago
aka Red Rasberry Slime Mold
Tubifera ferruginosa

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chesterbperry 10 years ago

Could this be what has started growing here,

Leuba Ridgway
Leuba Ridgway 10 years ago

amazing shades of red and yellow !

Mark Ridgway
Mark Ridgway 10 years ago

Thanks Jellis. Just what I was thinking.

Mark Ridgway
Spotted by
Mark Ridgway

Victoria, Australia

Spotted on Oct 11, 2013
Submitted on Oct 12, 2013

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