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Poison ivy


3 leaved plant



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ceherzog 9 years ago

Heather, If you look in top right corner, there's a pencil that says edit this spotting. If you click on that you can remove poison ivy and just put unkown plant. If you can't figure it out I can do it for takes awhile to figure it all out. Welcome to Project Noah! Hope to see more of your posts.

Thanks ceherzog! New to project Noah and just trying to figure out how to use it. I was more looking for feedback on what people thought this was and to rule out that it might be poison ivy as there are lots of these types of plants growing on our property and we have a curious little boy who likes to explore the woods. So glad to hear that you don't think it ivy. We didn't either but weren't sure. It did have the, "leaves of three" which made us nervous. I'll have to spend some more time trying to figure out how to use this app. I certainly don't want people to think that this is ivy if it's not.

ceherzog 9 years ago

It does look rather similar but your picture is not poison ivy. It has 3 leaves on the tip but there are actually 5 leaflets on what is likely a tree sapling.

Prince Edward Island, Canada

Spotted on Jul 13, 2014
Submitted on Jul 13, 2014

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