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Crab Spider

Genus: Misumena


This beautiful little spider is probably the commonly called Goldenrod Crab Spider (among other common names). These spiders are yellow or white depending upon the color of the flower on which it lies in ambush for insects. It is capable of changing to the same color as the flower as it resides on, but only to either white or yellow. Crab spiders vary in size but are relatively small. Eyes are usually spotted with red, often the abdomen has reddish or dark side streaks.


Open to semi-open old fields and grasslands. Often found on flowers, including goldenrod. Sometimes they sit on top of the flower, but often hide within the flower or even underneath it.


One usually has to search diligently for these spiders, because even though they are not uncommon throughout their range, they are usually well camouflaged. A careful search of goldenrod blossoms usually will yield several specimens.

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Gordon Dietzman
Spotted by
Gordon Dietzman

Roseville, Minnesota, USA

Spotted on Aug 15, 2010
Submitted on Feb 25, 2011

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