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Cecropia tree and Azteca ants.

Cecropia sp + Azteca alfaria


This is a pioneer species, found from sea level to cloud forest both sides of the country, it is the favorite tree of a large diversity of animals as the leaves and fruits are good food. It leaves are also use as table ornaments and medicinal purposes including weight loss cause alkaloids. Aztec ants live inside these trees in a symbiotic relationship; Scarlet-rumped Caciques have been seen nesting on these trees, taking advance on the relationship, so they used the tree in a commensalistic way as the ants may protect it chicks. (Jonathan Sequeira, Apuntes de Biologia Aplicables al Turismo 1989) A Huge quantity of animals depends on this kind of tree, as the leaves and fruits are good food to them.


Rain Forest gaps....

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Jonathan Sequeira
Spotted by
Jonathan Sequeira

Heredia, Costa Rica

Spotted on Sep 30, 2010
Submitted on Apr 25, 2011

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