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Young barred owl

Strix varia


Heavy mature woods with nearby open country for foraging

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Thurd13 13 years ago

@FieldConservation. Yes, I was very lucky. An unforgettable experience!

FieldConservation 13 years ago

Adorable! What a rare sighting.

Carolina 13 years ago

That's interesting Alice, thank you.

alicelongmartin 13 years ago

Emma, My parents got me up from bed one night when I was probably 5 years old to show me and my sister a Great Horned Owl sitting in a pine tree outside our window. If you ever see a group of crows or jays mobbing a tree in the day time, likely it is because an Owl is roosting there. Go for a walk just after sunset and you are more likely to spot them. Or call them in immitating their call.

Hema  Shah
Hema Shah 13 years ago

I always hear a screech and a barn owl,perhaps a horned owl. But have never been lucky enough to see one ,except in the Lindsay museum of wildlife . They have a beautiful collection of owls. The barred owl in the museum turns around when someone is looking at her.

Thurd13 13 years ago

A family of owls actually came to me; flew onto a branch above me; hard to take photos as I was not prepared! Watching them was amazing! This little one was curious about me!

JosephBullock 13 years ago

Way to sneak up on the owl. Birds are such a challenge!

alicelongmartin 13 years ago

Nice Owl !

Thurd13 13 years ago

Thank u rainglow!

rainglow 13 years ago

Great photo!

Spotted by

Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada

Spotted on Jun 23, 2010
Submitted on Apr 24, 2011

Spotted for Mission

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