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Carolina anole

Anolis carolinensis


Sitting outside on a warm summer evening, my husband and I were doing our best discourage the local mosquito population from devouring us when an anole climbed up my husband's leg. Using Carl as bait, this clever little guy enjoyed a feast of mosquitoes for nearly 30 minutes before disappearing into a nearby willow tree.


This species is native to North America, where it is found mainly in the southeastern parts of the continent. Anoles are most abundant on the Atlantic Coastal Plains in North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida and Georgia, and the Gulf Coastal Plain in Texas.

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jjharri2 13 years ago

that's so awesome! I love it when I see these little guys in my garden.

Dan Doucette
Dan Doucette 13 years ago

cool story. I had the same happen to me in Madagascar with a lizard crawling on my feet to eat flies that were buzzing around me. isn't natural pest control great!?

Yasser 13 years ago

great series and great story!

Spotted by

North Carolina, USA

Spotted on May 22, 2009
Submitted on Apr 22, 2011

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