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Stonefly (larva)

Chloroperlidae sp.


2 toes, 2 tails, bright green, 1 cm long. Pollution tolerance of 2.


Rocky bottom rivers, riffle areas, needs clean highly oxygenated water.

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dcfieldview 12 years ago

Sorry sciguy - keyed out and cross referenced with 3 separate guides - 2 toes, 2 tails. It is Chloroperlidae, which is very common in the particular stream I sampled. I've been a trained rapid bioassessment person for 15 years.

sciguy617 12 years ago

I fly fish so I see a lot of larvae and I know that's not a stonefly judging by the green I would say that might be a caddis larvae

Spotted by

Connecticut, USA

Spotted on May 21, 2011
Submitted on May 22, 2011

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